Mendocino Knights of Columbus Crab Feed

Knights of Columbus Crab Feed
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Raffle prizes?

Click here to see the list of Raffle Prizes. More to come!

Will there be local crab?

The commercial Dungeness crab fishery in this area will be delayed until at least 12:01am on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023, according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Every year, the California Department of Public Health maintains a testing program at different locations along the coast from late summer through the end of the crab season. As of January 21st, 2024, there is no reason to expect that local crab will not be available for the Crab Feed.

However, in the event of any unforeseen delays or shortages, Knights of Columbus maintains contact with our sources of crab from Oregon, Washington and Alaska. We don’t anticipate any problem in supplying the freshest and safest crab in any amount required for our event.

What about Covid?

For the third year in a row, that’s still an important question, isn’t it? Uncertainty shapes our decisions, but the Crab Feed committee is paying close attention as conditions change. The short answer: We absolutely count on the consideration and community spirit of our attendees to stay home if they feel sick. We are presently optimistically planning to hold a Crab Feed in 2024. There will be a Saturday afternoon take-out alternative.

What’s the difference between VIP and regular seating?

The VIP tables are right in front of the stage, and are outfitted with nicer cutlery and accommodations. VIP tickets include fine local wines, cutlery, glasswear, linens, napkins, and personal service. The meals are the same. Remembering that this event is a benefit for deserving local nonprofits, those who choose to purchase VIP tickets are often doing so simply to express their support for the event’s mission.

Can I buy my own tickets but still sit with my friends who purchased their tickets separately?

This can usually be accomplished if the following steps are followed:

  1. Coordinate in advance with your friends and decide on a) the total number of tickets needed and b) the lead party name (i.e. Smith party).
  2. Reserve ALL of your seats with the lead party name as early as possible so we can block out the total number of seats. Orders dribbling in over time may or may not be seated together, although we do our best.
  3. Each party that sends separate checks must write the lead party name on their check along with the other required information (i.e. night requested, number of tickets being purchased, telephone/address info, and self-addressed stamped envelope).
  4. Plan and purchase your tickets for any group regardless of size as soon as possible. Your party’s seating arrangement is not made final until the checks are received and the tickets issued.

I don’t do email. What can I do?

You may mail a check made out to

Knights of Columbus Crab Feed
Knights of Columbus
P.O. Box 965
Mendocino, CA 95460

Be sure to include the number of tickets and the night desired,
your telephone number, and a self-addressed stamped envelope. If you want Saturday take-out, be sure to say so; otherwise, we will assume you want the sit-down event.

If you must call our office, know that it is staffed intermittently and messages left opn our answering machine will be answered as soon as possible . . . but this may take several days. The telephone number is 707.710.7787 .

Where are my tickets?

In order to direct more of our receipts to our worthy causes, we don’t issue tickets. We email seat reservations – e-tickets – usually on the Monday a week before the event. In 2024, these will be mailed emailed on January 15th, 2025. Before that date, PLEASE make sure that is whitelisted, and does not get deep-sixed by your spam filter. If your e-tickets have not arrived, and (1) you are confident that you have sent us money, and (2) you are sure which night you requested, do not be bashful about coming to the door and asking for help finding your seats.

What are the hours of the event?

Our event will begin at 5:30pm this year, with dinner service beginning at 6:30. The event is scheduled to end by 9pm.

Take-out pick-up on Saturday will be at Crown Hall. Holders of take-out meals may pick up their meals anytime between 3pm and 5pm.

What will be the entertainment?

Entertainment will feature the triumphant return of our long-time favorite, Steve Jordan. It will be live-streamed for the enjoyment of our takeout guests at the following online locations: Friday: Saturday: .

How do I get to Crown Hall?

Crown Hall is located at 45285 Ukiah St. in the Village of Mendocino. Approaching Mendocino from the south on Hwy 1, turn left (west) at the Main St. exit and continue on Main St. until it turns right (north) and forms a “T” with Ukiah St. Turn right on Ukiah St. and Crown Hall is immediately on the right. Approaching Mendocino from the north on Hwy 1, turn right (west) at Lansing St. exit and continue to the first stop sign (Ukiah St.) in Mendocino. Turn right (west) and Crown Hall will be on the left about four long blocks from the stop sign. All parking is along the residential streets adjacent to Crown Hall. Helpful hint: Since there are no street lights or sidewalks along Ukiah St., it’s advisable to carry a small flashlight when returning to your car.

Is there a discount for children?

All ticketed seats for the crab feed are the adult price regardless of age. Although Knights of Columbus supports many family-friendly events during the year, our annual Crab Feed is definitely oriented toward adults and may not be suitable for children under 12. Things to be considered before purchasing tickets for children include: the length of time from dinner through raffle can be over 3 hours; there is very limited space for children to move around once they are seated (i.e. the aisles between tables are narrow and occupied by servers); and there is virtually no space available for storage of strollers and other supplies.

Is Crown Hall wheelchair accessible?

Although Crown Hall is a historic building built at the beginning of the last century, it is accessible for wheelchairs at one location through the side door. However, inside the hall the numbers of tables and aisles that can accommodate wheel chairs are limited. As a result, when purchasing your tickets, please let us know immediately your special access requirements and we will make every effort to satisfy them.

Can I bring my own butter warmer and condiments to the Crab Feed?

Due to the fire restrictions at Crown Hall, there is no open flame allowed in the main dining area or bar. This restriction is strictly enforced for the safety of everyone. This prohibits not only smoking in and around the building but also the use of any warmer, portable stove or other open-flame device. An exception to this might be if the warmer is battery operated, however we reserve the right to inspect any warmer before allowing its use. You are free to bring your own condiments. Drawn butter will be served with the crab.

Can I wrap some crab up and take it away?

No! All crab must be eaten on premises. Remember, please: this is a benefit event. We look forward to your presence in celebration of this joyous and wonderful Crabfeed.

Is wine served with dinner?

Yes, complementary wine is on menu (1 bottle of red, 1 of white) per table (8 guests). Additional wine by the bottle or glass is available for purchase at the bar as well as beer, water, and mixed drinks.

Can I bring any distilled spirits to the crab feed?

No. Under the terms of our liquor permit, drinks with distilled spirits can only be dispensed from the bar. This will be strictly enforced. At the bar, drinks will be available for sale along with wine and a variety of beverages.

California Alcoholic Beverage Control has clarified that our Crab Feed Liquor permit does not allow any alcohol to be brought in from outside sources (including BYOB from attendees). As in the past, Two Bottles of Wine will be provided to each table at dinner and Beer and Wine will be available for purchase at the event. We appreciate your cooperation in respecting these ABC requirements.

How can I pay for tickets with a credit card?

You may pay with Master Card or Visa by ordering on our website (

To economize, Knights of Columbus Council 8187 processes credit card sales through its sponsor, St. Anthony’s, as a cost saving measure. Be assured that all funds from Crab Feed credit card ticket sales go directly and promptly to Knights of Columbus.

Are the Crab Feed tickets refundable?

All ticket sales will be non-refundable.

Is all or a portion of the ticket price to the Crab Feed tax deductible?

Although the Knights of Columbus is a tax exempt, nonprofit organization that donates a large percentage of its annual proceeds raised from events such as the Crab Feed to local charities and community service organizations, the IRS does not consider ticket sales for these events to be tax deductible. However, donations made to Knights of Columbus for distribution to these worthy organizations are always welcome, and are tax deductible.

What lodging is available in the area?

There are many Hotels, Motels and Bed & Breakfasts available within a short distance of the event. Check on the web at Visit Mendocino for listings.

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Mendocino Knights of Columbus

P. O. Box 965
Mendocino, CA 95460
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